Command Line Interface

Tigerfish was written by Robin Aguilar while in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington.

Official code website: Tigerfish GitHub Repo

The Tigerfish workflow is managed by Snakemake which is used to scale and automatically deploy pipeline jobs in parallel as described in our getting started page.

Each script in the Tigerfish workflow has a set of parameters that may be modified by users which are found in the pipeline’s config.yml file.

As a user, one would only need to modify arguments from the config.yml file in order to get Tigerfish working. Named arguments are defined in detail below.

Recommended default parameters are also provided that were used for probe mining in the latest version of the CHM13 (V2.0) genome.

Named Arguments in config.yml for main workflow

Required files for getting started

fasta_file: File path. The genomic reference file used for probe design. Should includes all scaffolds of interest in the provided genome in proper FASTA format.

chrom_sizes_file: File path. The chromosome sizes file containing all scaffolds and scaffold lenths.

If one is unsure of whether they have the correct chrom.sizes file for a given genome build, it may be derived using the following command on a Linux terminal:

$ pip install pyfaidx \
 && faidx input.fasta -i chromsizes > sizes.genome

bed_file: Optional file path if set to “TRUE” for defined_coords. This BED file should contain tab seperated positional information (chrom, start, stop) for a target repeat region of interest.

Run modes

  1. defined_coords: string Boolean flag. If marked as “TRUE” a BED file path must be provided for the bed_file parameter. If parameter is not being used, it should be toggled to “FALSE”.

  2. repeat_discovery: string Boolean flag. If marked as “TRUE”, Tigerfish will be implemented to search for repeat specific chromosomes along select scaffolds or the entire geome as long as scaffold names are listed in the samples parameter. If defined_coords is being used instead, toggle repeat_discovery = “FALSE”.

  3. probe_cand_binding: string Boolean flag. If marked as “TRUE”, Tigerfish will be implemented to take probe candidates that have undergone alignment_filter to generate genome wide binding information and chromoMaps of repeat targets. All other run modes should be toggled to “FALSE” for expected behavior.

Ways to direct Tigerfish behavior with provided files

bowtie2_indices_given: string Boolean flag. If marked “TRUE” users must provide a valid file path to a correctly derived Bowtie2 index. If marked False a Bowtie2 index for the queried genome of interest will be made de novo. Examples of how Bowtie file paths are provided are further described in our documentation and tutorials.

bowtie2_dir: File path. The provided file path to a valid Bowtie2 index. If bowtie2_indices_given is labeled FALSE, leave this directory path as empty “”.

jf_hash_given: string Boolean flag. If a Jellyfish hash query has been created for a desired genome of interest prior to implementing Tigerfish, this may be specified here as “TRUE”. If not, a hash query will be created for the entire genome of interest de-novo.

jf_hash_dir: File path. If jf_hash_given: “TRUE”, a file path must be provided to where this file is located. If no directory is provided, leave this string empty as “”.

jf_count_given: string Boolean flag. If a Jellyfish k-mer count has been conducted for a desired genome of interest across all scaffolds prior to implementing Tigerfish, this may be specified here as “TRUE”. If not, Tigerfish will create Jellyfish count files for all scaffolds de-novo.

jf_count_dir: File path. If jf_count_given: “TRUE”, a directory must be provided where the Jellyfish count files may be found. If no directory is provided, leave this string empty as “”.

chrom_idx_given: string Boolean flag. If Tigerfish has been implemented on a desired genome de-novo using repeat_discovery mode, it has created scaffold index files for mapping repeat regions. Should one choose to re-run Tigerfish with differing downstream parameters, but one wishes to avoid regenerating these files de-novo, one can toggle that a directory path exists for these files.

chrom_idx_dir: File path. If chrom_idx_given: “TRUE”, a directory must be provided where the scaffold index files may be found. If no directory is provided, leave this string empty as “”.

chrom_fasta_given: string Boolean flag. If Tigerfish has been implemented on a desired genome de-novo using repeat_discovery mode, it has split all scaffolds into independent FASTA files for mapping repeat regions. Should one choose to re-run Tigerfish with differing downstream parameters, but one wishes to avoid regenerating these files de-novo, one can toggle that a directory path exists for these files.

chrom_fasta_dir: File path. If chrom_fasta_given: “TRUE”, a directory must be provided where the scaffold FASTA files may be found. If no directory is provided, leave this string empty as “”.

probe_cand_binding: File path. If probe_cand_binding: “TRUE”, then a file path containing probes as the direct output from alignment_filter must be provided. If this mode is not being run, the string may be left empty as “”.

Additional parameters

assembly: String. The name of the genome assembly being used.

samples: String. Described as sample in config.yml file. Each sample can be one or more scaffolds present in a given genome. Scaffold names should match FASTA file headers.

Example format in config.yml:

- “chr1”
- “chr2”

Example format in FASTA file:


threshold: Integer. Tigerfish identifies regions of elevated k-mer counts where these integers are binarized using a user-specified threshold. K-mer counts are computed using Jellyfish. If k-mer counts are >= to this threshold value, they will be assigned a value of 1 while all others receive a 0. This value is only used if repeat_discovery is invoked.

window: Integer. Tigerfish applies a sliding window, along the binary vector generated by the applied threshold parameter, yielding for each position a count from 0 to the length of the window. This value is only used if repeat_discovery is invoked.

composition: Float. Tigerfish takes counts within each window so that they are summed and divided by the window width to yield a normalized count at each base pair where Tigerfish then identifies contiguous regions of the genome in which this normalized count exceeds this defined composition score. This value is only used if repeat_discovery is invoked.

file_start: Integer. The start location of where Tigerfish makes a 1:1 mapping of the first base of all reported k-mers from the Jellyfish k-mer count output. If you have a fully assembled genome, your file_start should be set to 0 if you choose to search the entire genome from the top of the sequence.

min_length: Integer. The minumum length of any possible designed oligo probe.

max_length: Integer. The maximum length of any possible designed oligo probe.

min_temp: Integer. The minimum melting temperature of any possible designed oligo probe.

max_temp: Integer. The maximum melting temperature of any possible designed oligo probe.

mer_val: Integer. The k-mer size used to generate Jellyfish hash tables, index files, and for sequence k-mer comparison during filtering analysis.

enrich_score: Float between 0 and 1. Given the nature of probes designed against repetitive sequences, it is important to filter probes with low on-target repeat binding based on the aggregate count of a probe’s k-mers within a given repeat target and within the entire human genome. Here, we describe this score as an enrich_score which is the sum of all 18-mers derived from a given probe sequence within a repeat target (Rm) over the sum of 18-mers in a given probe sequence within the entire human genome (Rm/Hm). Only probes with an enrich_score >= to the proportion provided are kept.

copy_num: Integer. Each designed candidate oligo probe is broken down into its respective k-mers using the mer_val parameter. Here, the total count of all k-mers for each probe within the probe’s target repeat region defines the copy_num parameter. Here, this value may be set so that only probes with a value >= copy_num will be advance to further downstream filtering.

c1_val and c2_val: Integers. After preliminary filtering based on target binding specificity, remaining probes within each target repeat are ranked in descending order using a normalization value composed of two constants c1_val and c2_val. This equation can be described as normalized rank = ((copy_num/max copy_num value within each target repeat) * c1_val) + ((enrich_score/max enrich_score value within each target repeat) * c2_val). These two values may be toggled to determine a rank order to control whether it’s preferred to rank probes based on their copy_number value or enrich_score.

genome_windows: Integer. All provided genome scaffolds in the chrom.sizes file are binned into windows of this size to be used for alignment filtering.

thresh_window: Integer. All provided genome scaffolds in the chrom.sizes file are binned into windows of this size to be used for flagging windows where imaging signal is predicted in-silico.

target_sum: Integer. Tigerfish will add candidate probes based on if their on-target binding score satisfies the min_on_target parameter. Candidate probes will be added to the final collection until this target_sum is satisfied or no other probe candidates are available.

off_bin_thresh: Float. Using the genome_windows parameter, predicted thermodynamic binding scores are aggregated over the genomic bins that each probe alignment maps too. Should any one of these bins that doesn’t map to the target have a value >= the provided off_bin_thresh, that probe will be culled due to the likelihood that it will bind to an additional background target in the genome.

binding_prop: Float. Using the genome_windows parameter, predicted thermodynamic binding scores are aggregated over the genomic bins that each probe alignment maps too. Here, the alignments that occur within the bin(s) mapping to the repeat target are defined as on-target bins whereas all binding events elsewhere are considered off-target bins. This binding_prop is the proportion of on-target binding scores/all total binding events.

mer_cutoff: Float. To remove redundant probes, all candidate probes at this step are broken down into their respective k-mers based on the mer_val parameter after they are rank ordered. Should any probes have a mer_cutoff >= to the provided value, it will be culled due to k-mer composition similar to a probe that was ranked above it.

bt2_alignments: Integer. The maximum number of alignmnts to be returned by Bowtie2 for any particular oligo probe. This is defined as k in Bowtie2 parameter space.

max_pdups_binding: Float between 0 and 1. As probes are stored in the final collection of candidates following genomic alignment, we check to see if valid candidate probes will not form secondary structure with one another. Therefore, we compute NUPACK predicted duplexing probabilities between all valid candidate probe sequences to cull those with binding scores >= the max_pdups_binding value provided.

seed_length: Integer. Tigerfish implements Bowtie2 to align remaining probes to the entire queried genome to ensure that probes will not bind to unexpected binding sites. As described by Bowtie2 (l parameter), there is a tradeoff between speed and sensitivity/accuracy that can be adjusted by setting the seed length, which is the interval between extracted seeds.

model_temp: Float. Tigerfish implements NUPACK to compute the predicted thermodynamic likelihood that each alignment pair will form duplexes under FISH conditions. The temperature parameter for this model can be modified as a parameter.

min_on_target: Integer. Minimum aggregate on target binding score based on thermodynamic binding predictions derived from NUPACK across all returned genomic alignments.

max_probe_return: Integer. The maximum total number of probes to be returned (if found) that satisfied final pipeline filtering and parameters.

align_thresh: Integer. The minimum number of aggregate thermodynamic binding sites used to flag a thresh_window as significant to determine the imaging target length.

bin_thresh: Integer. The provided threshold to note that aggregate thermodynamic binding sites are above this value on any given bin.

ref_flag: Integer, 0 or 1. Intermediate alignment files indicating which probes were discarded may be stored using this parameter if a user selects 1.

config.yml parameters

If you have more questions about any scripts in particular from the main workflow or post process workflow, be sure to check out our GitHub page. Also check out our Tigerfish tutorial to see how these scripts come together to generate example data.